Essential Oils



Main Information

Essential Oils For Wellness


Essential oils For Babies and Children

Essential Oils For Meditation and Prayers

Essential Oils and synergies for Pets


Essential Oil Safety Data

Essential Oils - MRSA

Carrier Oils Cold Pressed and Infused

Carrier oils are used both topically and orally to improve the health of skin.

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Essential Oil: Copal Resin  - Used in Hypertension

Anti-inflammatory: used in Burns and Rashes.

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Dilution Of Essential Oils - Topical Use

Using a 2% oil dilution is generally considered a guideline for topical application of essential oils on adults when an essential oil does not have a more restricted dermal recommendation within the second edition of the Essential Oil safety by Robert Tisserand  and Rodney Young. For children or elderly, cut the dilution in half. With children, use only essential oils regarded as safe for children unless you have educated yourself very well on aromatherapy for children. 

Undiluted use of  Essential Oils on the skin can be harmful and potentially cause severe irritation or sensitization.

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